Downtown Fort Collins has changed immensely over the last century; its facades, businesses and prices (thank you, inflation). While it may have been the 'Depression Era,' here's something to be happy about -- really, really low prices on the menu this week in celebration of Silver Grill Cafe's 84th anniversary.

Continental Coffee
Fox Photos/Getty Images

Through Friday, October 6, Silver Grill is returning to its original menu prices from when it first opened its doors in Fort Collins this week in 1933.

Coffee is 5 cents, and one of those delish cinnamon rolls is just 30 cents -- not to mention you can pretty much get a whole breakfast for under $1.

The catch? They're only offering this deal to the first 84 customers in the door every morning, so make sure to set your alarm.

More info is posted on Silver Grill Cafe's Facebook page.

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