A cold could be brewing in you and all you need to do to prevent it is cover this and no, it's not your head. Stay healthy and cold symptom free by following this simple rule.

Sick in Bed iStockphoto
Sick in Bed iStockphoto

At least in a study with mice, done by Yale researchers the cold virus seems to thrive in your nose!

The study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Monday. There are two reasons that a cold takes off quickly when it enters the nose. The cold virus essentially has a party and rapidly replicates when in chilly air. Added to the cold viruses love for chilly air the cells in our airways don't fight off viruses well when exposed to cooler temperatures.

Bottom line, whenever possible, make sure that your nose is covered when you brave the cold temperatures and the cold virus may just pass you by.

Happy winter and be well!

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