Impaled by a falling ice sword. Probably not the coolest way to die. OK, no it's kind of cool. There are some massive icicles around Northern Colorado this week, so statistically speaking this could be your chance... avoid them, because they could really kill us. Think I'm making this up?

The Death in Society Research Foundation (but is that real?) reports that about 15 Americans are killed by icicles every year, so sure, your chances are really, really low. About 100 people in Russia are taken out by icicles annually, which actually really doesn't surprise me because it's Russia.

Check this out (via, click to see full infographic) - CLICK TO SEE FULL INFOGRAPHIC

We have some massive ones outside our radio studio, and this one was snapped by a staff member at Centerra in Loveland -- so take cover!

Todd Hotra/TSM
Todd Hotra/TSM

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