Recently there has been all kinds of stories documenting how great Taylor Swift is to all of her fans. Well, it looks like Denver's own Peyton Manning is great in his own right. Sgt. Ryan Patterson's wife Kristen, reached out to Peyton through the team to express how he has been a fan of him for years. She explained to Peyton through a letter that Ryan spent two tours in Afghanistan, and while he was deployed, he would set an alarm to wake up at odd hours in the night to listen to his games.

When Manning read the letter, he made it a point to track down the Patterson's. This however was a challenge, because the letter that was written was missing a return address. After three months of connecting the dots through utility companies and State Trouper's offices, the Broncos PR reps finally tracked them down at their home in North Pole, Alaska.

According to the Indianapolis Star, Sgt. Ryan Patterson said that, "Peyton seemed tickled that we lived in North Pole, Alaska" when they met on December 22. The Patterson's had plans to be in Ohio for the holidays and were going to be at the game against the Broncos and Bengals. Everyone was finally able to meet up before the game in the lobby of an Ohio hotel.

Here is Kristen Patterson's letter in full, via the New York Daily News:

Dear Mr. Manning,

My name is Kristen Patterson. I am writing to ask a question. You see my husband is a HUGE fan, and when I say HUGE I mean it. He is currently serving our country in the United States Army and has deployed twice to Afghanistan. He would set alarms to wake up at odd hours in the night just to listen to your football games. We recently had to move across the country for the Army and he tried to get us stationed in Colorado just so he could ensure that he would never miss your games.

We will be attending the Bengals vs. Broncos game on December 22, 2014, while home for the holidays, and it would mean so much to my husband if you might be able to find the time to just even say hello, not to mention it would make me the coolest wife ever of all time. I know you are a busy man, and if you can’t, it will be ok. I just thought I might ask in the rare chance that you might agree to this.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Kristen Patterson

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